Why I believe in Life Insurance

During my time in the Marines, I was 22-27 years old, at a stage of life where we assume ourselves to be invincible.  I experienced 2 traumatic losses in 2016 that changed my outlook on invincibility at a young age.  One being the loss of 12 brothers I grew up with in the military, to a training accident in January, and the second being my spouse to a heart attack at the age of 28 in December that same year.

I share this to emphasize that we really aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.  Tragedy can strike at any age, any time, and in any form.   Thankfully, I was positioned to where I wasn’t financially crippled and was afforded a life policy for my family since I was active duty.  Had it not been for that, I could have been in a serious financial situation during a time finances should be the least of our worries.

We insure our cars, our homes and our toys but yet we seem to fall short of insuring our lives so that our families are properly taken care of in the event we are no longer here to provide for them.  If you don’t have $15,000 stored away to cover the cost of an average funeral in today’s economy, give us a call and let’s find a means that satisfies the need of your household.

Life insurance can also have living benefits as well.  You can use it as a vehicle to gain compound interest for a car or college fund for your child, put away additional money for retirement, build your own bank, and benefit from tax write offs.

If you would like to explore how life insurance can help with your family’s financial needs, please reach out and let’s look at the options we have available.

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